Lp '67, reissue Tom Prehn Quartet 2001

John Corbett, liner notes:
The music on this record is startlingly original… decades later it is still a remarkable document, effectively merging jazz energy with characteristics that wouldn't fully emerge in European free music until later in its development…. and the importance of the modernist tradition makes itself heard… a document that should force free music aficionados to rethink familiar maps 34-years later.
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Dan Warburton, Paris Transatlantic Magazine:
And what a find! Tom Prehn reveals himself to be a singularly original pianist … Prehn's playing partners were equally open-minded musically. Tenorman Fritz Krogh can handle both wild, expressionistic blowing and intricate pitch-sensitive composition … Bassist Poul Ehlers and drummer Preben Vang are a revelation … they seem to anticipate with uncanny precision the music of a later generation of European free players … original free music of the highest calibre …
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... the tiny country of Denmark has actually spawned some great music …
The disc Tom Prehn Quartet has much to offer both as an important historical document as well as a generous demonstration of imaginative, open-ended improvisation.
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Symfonisk pop, Information:
… to engelsksprogede lp'er fra henholdsvis 1971 og 1972 med melodier og arrangementer af Tom Prehn og tekster af den senere så berømte romanforfatter Svend Åge Madsen. 'Ready to meet you' og 'Love's Labyrinth' er ganske enkelt to af de bedste danske popplader nogensinde, og det er godt at de nu endelig fås på cd… disse to album viser en sangerinde med internationalt format.
… Lystager smyger sin smukke stemme rundt om Prehn og Madsens sjældent flotte sange.
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Genudgivelse af LP '67 (CD 2001) i Danmark 2016 som LP:
… mens Prehn og Vangs flydende rytmik sender dette nummer op i verdensklasse.
Det er meget stærke sager.
Det er dansk kulturhistorie der skrives her. Kvartetten holdt til i kulturhuset Vestergade 58 i Århus, hvor den senere skuespiller Jens Okking var leder og havde inviteret dem indenfor. Han “producerede” pladen og gav dem et fast øve- og spillested …
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Axiom, LP '63 – CD 2015:
… in the space of over 50 years, the music still sounds remarkably fresh – an early, striking, and stunning example of the way that the European avant jazz scene was not only overtaking the American one, but also providing the kind of energy that would be a key inspiration for artists like Albert Ayler or Cecil Taylor!
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Genudgivelse af AXIOM i Norge 2016 som LP:
"Axiom" has significant historical importance by being what is quite possibly
the first European free jazz record …
… Axiom" is expressive, full frontal free jazz of the highest order …
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